
Année 2014

Productions 2014

Articles scientifiques

Clostre, F., Lesueur Jannoyer, M., Achard, R., Letourmy, P., Cabidoche, Y.-M., Cattan, P. (2014). Decision support tool for soil sampling of heterogeneous pesticide (chlordecone) pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (3), 1980 - 1992. ,

Cornet, D., Sierra, J., Tournebize, R., Ney, B. (2014). Yams (Dioscorea spp.) plant size hierarchy and yield variability: Emergence time is critical. European Journal of Agronomy, 55, 100-107. ,

Djilani Khouadja, F., Rouzé-Jouan, J., Guyader, S., Fakhfakh, H. (2014). Possible correlations between the characteristics of Potato leafroll virus isolates occurring in different geographical regions in Tunisia. Phytoparasitica, 42 (2), 259-267.

Étienne, J., Matile-Ferrero, D., Kondo, T. (2014). Phalacrococcus howertoni Hodges & Hodgson (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae), a new soft scale record for the island of Guadeloupe. Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria, 15 (1), 115-118. ,

Favérial, J., Sierra, J. (2014). Home composting of household biodegradable wastes under the tropical conditions of Guadeloupe (French Antilles). Journal of Cleaner Production, 83, 238-244. ,

Mambole, I. A., Bonheur, L., Svanella-Dumas, L., Filloux, D., Gomez, R.-M., Faure, C., Lange, D., Anzala, F., Pavis, C., Marais, A., Roumagnac, P., Candresse, T., Teycheney, P.-Y. (2014). Molecular characterization of yam virus X, a new potexvirus infecting yams (Dioscorea spp) and evidence for the existence of at least three distinct potexviruses infecting yams. Archives of Virology, 159 (12), 3421-3426. ,

Penet, L., Guyader, S., Pétro, D., Salles, M., Bussière, F. (2014). Direct Splash Dispersal Prevails over Indirect and Subsequent Spread during Rains in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Infecting Yams. Plos One, 9 (12), e115757. ,

Sierra, J., Loranger-Merciris, G., Desfontaines, L., Boval, M. (2014). Aerobic microbial activity in four tropical earthworm-soil systems. A mesocosm experiment. Soil Research, 52 (6), 584-592. ,

Umber, M., Filloux, D., Muller, E., Laboureau, N., Galzi, S., Roumagnac, P., Iskra-Caruana, M.-L., Pavis, C., Teycheney, P.-Y., Seal, S. E. (2014). The genome of African yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata complex) hosts endogenous sequences from four distinct badnavirus species. Molecular Plant Pathology, 15 (8), 790-801. ,

Ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrages

Alexandre, G., Fanchone, A., Ozier Lafontaine, H., Diman, J.-L. (2014). Livestock Farming Systems and Agroecology in the Tropics. In: Harry Ozier-Lafontaine, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change (p. 83-115). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. CHE : Springer International Publishing. 511 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3_4.

Angeon, V., Ozier Lafontaine, H., Lesueur-Jannoyer, M., Larade, A. (2014). Agroecology Theory, Controversy and Governance. In: Ozier-Lafontaine, Harry, Lesueur-Jannoyer, Magalie, Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14 (p. 1-22). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. Springer International Publishing. 511 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3_1.

Archimède, H., Alexandre, G., Mahieu, M., Fleury, J., Pétro, D., Garcia, G. W., Fanchone, A., Bambou, J.-C., Marie-Magdeleine, C., Gourdine, J.-L., Gonzalez-Garcia, E., Mandonnet, N. (2014). Agroecological resources for sustainable livestock farming in the humid tropics. In: Harry Ozier-Lafontaine, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change (p. 299-330). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. CHE : Springer International Publishing. 511 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3_9.

Boulogne, I., Ozier Lafontaine, H., Loranger-Merciris, G. (2014). Leaf-cutting ants, biology and control. In: Eric Lichtfouse, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews (p. 1-17). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 13. CHE : Springer International Publishing. 315 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-00915-5_1.

Chave, M., Tchamitchian, M., Ozier-Lafontaine, H. (2014). Agroecological engineering to biocontrol soil pests for crop health. In: Harry Ozier-Lafontaine, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change (p. 269-297). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. CHE : Springer International Publishing. 511 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3_8.

Clermont-Dauphin Cathy, M., Blanchart, E., Loranger-Merciris, G., Meynard, J. M. (2014). Cropping Systems to Improve Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: The Outlook and Lines of Research. In: Harry Ozier-Lafontaine, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change (p. 117-158). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. CHE : Springer International Publishing. 511 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3_5.

Ozier Lafontaine, H., Lesueur-Jannoyer, M. (2014). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. CHE : Springer International Publishing, 511., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3.

Ozier Lafontaine, H., Lesueur-Jannoyer, M., Lichtfouse, E. (2014). Preface. In: Harry Ozier-Lafontaine, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change (p. v-xi). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. Springer International Publishing. 511 p.

Valet, S., Ozier Lafontaine, H. (2014). Ecosystem Services of Multispecific and Multistratified Cropping Systems. In: Harry Ozier-Lafontaine, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, dir., Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14. Agroecology and Global Change (p. 185-268). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 14. Springer International Publishing. 511 p., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06016-3_7.

Woignier, T., Clostre, F., Cattan, P., Levillain, J., Cabidoche, Y.-M., Lesueur Jannoyer, M. (2014). Diagnosis and Management of Field Pollution in the Case of an Organochlorine Pesticide, the Chlordecone. In: Hernandez Soriano, Maria C., dir., Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination (p. 615-636). Rijeka, HRV : InTech. 918 p., DOI : 10.5772/57263.


Barlagne, Carla. (2014). Approche intégrée de la qualité dans les filières agricoles : cas de la filière igname en Guadeloupe (Thèse de doctorat, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, FRA). 263 p. + annexes.

Deloné, Brunise. (2014). Alternatives agro-écologiques à l’usage des intrants chimiques dans les bananeraies plantains - Le cas de deux régions de la Caraïbe : Guadeloupe et Haïti (Thèse de doctorat, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, FRA). 130 p. + ann.

Grand public

Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Angeon, V. (2014). Supporting small island communities. International Innovation (134), 13-15.

Stark, F., Fanchone, A., Kelemen, J.-L. (Collaborateur), Alexandre, R. (Collaborateur), Bordey, Y. (Collaborateur), Alexandre, G. (Collaborateur), Archimède, H. (Collaborateur), Diman, J.-L. (Collaborateur), Gourdine, J.-L. (Collaborateur), Ozier-Lafontaine, H. (Collaborateur), Sierra, J. (Collaborateur), Tournebize, R. (Collaborateur) (2014). Le concept d’intégration au coeur de la conception d’un pilote en polyculture élevage adapté aux exploitations agricoles de Guadeloupe. Innovations Agronomiques, 39, 113-124.