
Année 2016

Productions 2016

Articles scientifiques

Boulogne, I., Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Merciris, P., Vaillant, J., Labonte, L., Loranger-Merciris, G. (2016). Soil chemical and biological characteristics influence mineralization processes in different stands of a tropical wetland. Soil Use and Management, 32 (3), 269-278. , DOI : 10.1111/sum.12273

Chopin, P., Tirolien, J., Blazy, J.-M. (2016). Ex-ante sustainability assessment of cleaner banana production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 15-24. , DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.08.036

Cornet, D., Sierra, J., Tournebize, R., Gabrielle, B., Lewis, F. I. (2016). Bayesian network modeling of early growth stages explains yam interplant yield variability and allows for agronomic improvements in West Africa. European Journal of Agronomy, 75, 80-88. , DOI : 10.1016/j.eja.2016.01.009.

Favérial, J., Boval, M., Sierra, J., Sauvant, D. (2016). End-product quality of composts produced under tropical and temperate climates using different raw materials: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 183 (3), 909-916. , DOI : 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.09.057.

Favérial, J., Cornet, D., Paul, J., Sierra, J. (2016). Multivariate Analysis of the Determinants of the End-Product Quality of Manure-Based Composts and Vermicomposts Using Bayesian Network Modelling. Plos One, 11 (6). , DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0157884.

Maliki, R., Sinsin, B., Floquet, A., Cornet, D., Malezieux, E., Vernier, P. (2016). Dry Matter Production, Nutrient Cycled and Removed, and Soil Fertility Changes in Yam-Based Cropping Systems with Herbaceous Legumes in the Guinea-Sudan Zone of Benin. Scientifica, 2016, 12 p. , DOI : 10.1155/2016/5212563.

Penet, L., Cornet, D., Blazy, J.-M., Alleyne, A., Barthe, E. S., Bussière, F., Guyader, S., Pavis, C., Pétro, D. (2016). Varietal Dynamics and Yam Agro-Diversity Demonstrate Complex Trajectories Intersecting Farmers’ Strategies, Networks, and Disease Experience. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7. , DOI : 10.3389/fpls.2016.01962.

Penet, L., Barthe, E., Alleyne, A., Blazy, J.-M. (2016). Disease risk perception and diversity of management strategies by farmers: The case of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on water yams (Dioscorea alata) in Guadeloupe. Crop Protection, 88, 7-17. , DOI : 10.1016/j.cropro.2016.05.005.

Sierra, J., Chopart, J. L., Guinde, L., Blazy, J.-M. (2016). Optimization of Biomass and Compost Management to Sustain Soil Organic Matter in Energy Cane Cropping Systems in a Tropical Polluted Soil: a Modelling Study. BioEnergy Research, 9 (3), 798–808. , DOI : 10.1007/s12155-016-9729-z.

Umber, M., Pichaut, J.-P., Farinas, B., Laboureau, N., Janzac, B., Plaisir-Pineau, K., Pressat, G., Baurens, F.-C., Chabannes, M., Duroy, P.-O., Guiougou, C., Delos, J.-M., Jenny, C., Iskra-Caruana, M.-L., Salmon, F., Teycheney, P.-Y. (2016). Marker-assisted breeding of Musa balbisiana genitors devoid of infectious endogenous Banana streak virus sequences. Molecular Breeding, 36 (6). , DOI : 10.1007/s11032-016-0493-8.

Ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrages

Bispo, A. (Coordinateur), Branchu, P. (Coordinateur), Legret, M. (Coordinateur), Andrieux, P., Chenu, C., Fouché, O., Frutos, R., Martin, E., Martin, E., Soubelet, H., Souchere, V., Staunton, S., Tournebize, J., Winiarski, T. (2016). Gestion de la fonction de filtration et de régulation des contaminants par les sols. In: Antonio Bispo, Camille Guellier, Édith Martin, Jurgis Sapijanskas, Hélène Soubelet, Claire Chenu, dir., Les sols. Intégrer leur multifonctionnalité pour une gestion durable (p. 199-245). Savoir Faire (Quae). Paris, FRA : Editions Quae. 384 p.


Favérial, Julie. (2016). Compostage et vermicompostage des effluents d’élevage. Une alternative durable pour le recyclage des déchets d’origine animale (Thèse de doctorat, Université des Antilles, GLP). 131 p. + ann.